In-House Training Programs


SAE  implements in-house training programs in order to enhance particular competencies onto our personnel capabilities


Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility is a fundamental principle and commitment in building a harmonious relationship and engagement between SAE, partners, communities, environment, government and mining concession area EPC Company owners.

SAE as an EPC Company understands the importance of surrounding communities and environment. We implement our commitment to empower communities and conserve the environment, particularly in the areas of education, social, culture and health.

Our community programs are related to basic people need and interest including road repair work, clean water supply, renovation and construction of religious building, indigenous people hall, school building, and medicine supply to health clinic in order to improve the living quality of surrounding people.

We carry out local economy empowerment and sustainability program by creating job opportunities to local people and help surrounding people create jobs for others.  Our determination to engage local community is also shown through our appointment of local sub-contractors or company as our partner.

In this context, we believe The SAE’s corporate social responsibility is to accurately assess current demands and deploy engineering to provide the value that society requires for addressing global challenges such as poverty, environmental issues and securing resources, consistent with our Company Philosophy.